国家政策给稀土产业带来的影响和未来发展态势 -九游会ag

时间: 2020-03-09


朱铭岳, 吴建思, 崔中倪

上海市稀土协会, 上海 200234


关键词:  稀土  国家政策  产业标准  供给侧改革

the influence of national policies on rare earth industry and its future development trend

zhu mingyue, wu jiansi, cui zhongni

shanghai association for rare earth, shanghai 200234, china

abstract:this paper reviews and analyzes the policies formulated with regard to resource tax,industrial order,standards,and supply-side in boosting the development of the rare earth industry.according to analysis results,the chinese rare earth industry has completed a pattern transition from previous extensive resource export to refined middle and high-end production,and from blind mining at the cost of ecological environment destruction to environment-friendly,sustainable development.to lead the development of industry toward an innovation-driven industrial chain with green and high added value featuring structural optimization,and transformation and upgrade,the only path is to take a green,environment-friendly path for rare earth resource exploitation,with firm implementation of the policy of 'technological innovation and open-mindedness' in rare earth applications,and establishment of the 'going out,bringing in' mechanism in the rare earth industry.

key words:  rare earth  national policies  industrial standards  supply-side reform

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