稀土产业的供给侧结构性改革形势 -九游会ag

时间: 2020-03-11

朱铭岳, 吴建思

上海市稀土协会, 上海 200234


关键词:  稀土  资源  供给侧改革  国外稀土

situation of supply-side structural reform in the rare earth industry

zhu mingyue, wu jiansi

shanghai association for rare earth, shanghai 200234, china

abstract:starting with the overall scale of rare earth including without limitation the reserve,yield,and consumption of rare earth resources in china,this paper elaborates on the advantages of china in rare earth exploitation,enumerates the global exploitation status of rare earth resources,and offers data reference for supply-side reform in the chinese rare earth industry.from national policy level,down to corporate operation level,the chinese rare earth industry shall place its emphasis on refined and intensive manufacturing,with modernized management,market-oriented sales,innovative scientific research,long-term talent cultivation of for rare earth industry,and globalized strategies.

key words:  rare earth  resources  supply-side reform  foreign rare earth

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